Installer Training
Choose either training bundle to become fully accredited.
Complete your registration.Important changes to CEC Accreditation
The Clean Energy Regulator is expected to announce a new accreditation provider in February 2024. Please note that sonnen Installer Accreditation will still be available, but will no longer be eligible to provide CPD points.
Available Courses
Option 1 - Core
This training program consists of the following training courses: (1) Applying Industry Standards in sonnen Installations: AS/NZS 5139:2019 and AS/NZS 5033:2021, (2) sonnenBatterie Evo Installer Training and (3) sonnenBatterie hybrid 9.53 Installer Training. Installers who successfully complete this program will receive a certificate of completion including a sonnen accreditation number, and will be authorized to install sonnenBatterie Evo and hybrid 9.53 systems.
Option 2 - hybrid 9.53
This course provides skills and technical knowledge required to design, install and commission sonnenBatterie hybrid 9.53 and sonnenProtect 2500. Installers who successfully complete this course, will receive a certificate of completion including a sonnen accreditation number, and will be authorized to install sonnenBatterie hybrid 9.53.
Option 3 - Evo
This course provides the skills and technical knowledge required to design, install, and commission sonnenBatterie Evo. Installers who successfully complete this course will receive a certificate of completion including a sonnen accreditation number and will be authorized to install sonnenBatterie Evo.
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